Young St Paul’s leaders shine

Public speaking can seem daunting to some people, but two St Paul’s Anglican Grammar School Year 6 students have taken it in their stride and done their school proud, presenting to an audience of 160 at the Crown Conference Centre in Melbourne.
Luke and Isabella, two Junior School Leaders, presented at the IPSHA (Independent Primary School Heads of Australia) Biennial National Conference to Heads of Junior Schools from all around Australia.
They spoke about the Student Leadership Program at the St Paul’s Junior School and answered questions from their intrigued audience, who were delighted to hear the thoughts of the young leaders.
Head of St Paul’s Warragul Junior School, Rowan van Raay, was immensely proud of the students for their courage and professionalism. “What a wonderful opportunity and honour for St Paul’s to showcase our unique Student Leadership Program at the conference,” he commented. “Luke and Bella couldn’t have explained it any better.”