Personalised Learning

Personalised Learning
Enriching learning and providing support where needed is a valuable component of engaging with students, and at St Paul’s this comes in many forms.
At St Paul’s, we offer students an engaging and enriching learning environment that nurtures the talents of each child by supporting them in areas of challenge and extending in areas of accomplishment.
All students from Prep through to Year 6 have a range of opportunities to participate in problem-based learning projects that encompass a transdisciplinary Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) approach. We strive to raise foundational skills in STEM learning areas to develop literacy, interest and promote the development of core competencies for the 21st century.
At St Paul’s, we recognise that every student is an individual with skills and abilities that are unique to them and that sometimes will require a greater amount of support and enrichment beyond the regular curriculum. Our enrichment provision aims to inspire and ignite student learning – uncovering and unearthing passion areas of inquiry and investigation. Small groups of students are able to come together to extend and challenge themselves in critical and creative thinking to further develop their abilities.
Beyond enrichment classes, students are provided with an opportunity to extend their learning through competitions and co-curricular activities, and regardless of their interests and abilities, we will encourage and support every child to make their mark.
Click on the links to discover more about our Warragul, Drouin and Traralgon primary schools.